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Periprocedural Factors of a Puncture Needle

Periprocedural Factors of a Puncture Needle

  • Monday, 17 June 2024
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Periprocedural Factors of a Puncture Needle

A puncture needle is used to create an access point into the body for medical procedures, such as a blood sample, fluid aspiration, or catheter placement.puncture needle A patient may feel a small amount of pain during the procedure, but this is usually not serious. The puncture site will probably be red and swollen for a few days, but this is not usually a sign of infection. If the puncture is into a vein, it may become irritated, which is called superficial phlebitis. In this case, the vein may ache and feel hard for up to 7 days. If the pain is severe, or if the vein feels warm and tender, contact your doctor.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate periprocedural factors associated with US-guided paracentesis for ascites and to compare them between the routinely used puncture needle and a newly developed needle with an outer obturator and plastic wings.puncture needle Both needles had similar characteristics in terms of tip geometry, length, and diameter. The new needle had a longer shaft, which allowed for better aspiration of the ascites. The needle tip was also more rounded, which could reduce the rate of repuncture in patients with thick abdominal walls. In a univariate analysis, the use of the new needle was significantly associated with a lower rate of complications in patients undergoing US-guided paracentesis.

Needle tip deformations in biological soft tissue are influenced by many factors, including the needle geometry, loading condition, and tissue mechanical properties.puncture needle Consequently, accurate modeling of needle-skin interactions is essential for the development of modern surgical robots and haptic devices. This study investigated needle-skin interaction models utilizing the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) meshing technique, which allows for a simple model that can capture the physical phenomena of needle penetration in the skin. The CEL approach has the potential to provide a more precise analysis of needle-skin interaction with regard to both insertion force and generated mechanical stresses.

Sprotte is an atraumatic needle for Lumbar Puncture, designed specifically to minimize complications related to lumbar puncture. The design of the needle tip is based on a fundamental architecture that is compatible with atraumatic puncture and optimal CSF flow through the dural membrane. Sprotte increases the safety of lumbar puncture and improves the efficiency of fluid aspiration, which is necessary for the diagnosis of spinal cord injuries.

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